Prayer Requests

February 2025

Request - Madam Bazile has a number of health issues. Please pray that her health would be restored and that she can rejoin Pastor Bazile in Haiti. She remains in the states and is seeking medical help. Provide wisdom and guidance for the doctors as they treat her.

Request - Pray for safety and security of the students and people of Haiti. While our schools remain safe at this time, our village in Lafferonay (the closest to Port-au-Prince) has seen increased gang activity. May God place a hedge of protection around our villages.

Request - One of our students (Jaims) was badly injured in a motorcycle accident. In addition to some bad scrapes, he fractured his hip. He is currently unable to attend school due to his injuries. Pray that God will heal his body, that he will have access to the medicine he needs and that he will return to school very soon.

Request - Pray for the leadership changes at Haiti Empowered. Please allow for a seamless transition and to provide wisdom and discernment for Kay Larson as she takes the reins.

Praise - Pastor Bazile was able to return safely to Leogane. His travel day was long (over 24 hours) and involved multiple airport changes and a long ride back to the village, but he arrived safely. Everyone met him with hugs and was so happy to have him back with them. His luggage arrived safely with all of the contents intact.

January 2025

Request - Pray that our past graduates and those getting ready to graduate will follow God’s calling. Some will impact the community by serving on our team and dreaming of what Haiti Empowered can accomplish.

Update - We have been able to employ some at our main office in Cassange. They have been helping other students tell their story.

Request - Pray more self-sufficiency for our Haitian team and community. The foundation has been set for the addition of strategic programs to be planned for in the next few months.

Update - We have a number of ideas from our Haiti team on how to raise more money locally and help the community. Futher plans to be shared in the spring time.

Request - Pray for wisdom as we evaluate how to best care for and educate young ladies in our high school. We want them to make good choices and support continuing education.

Update - We continued to receive additional giving which will positively impact our ability to provide for our Haitian staff. We will determine the net amount and budget by mid-January .