Nearly Graduated
My name is Esaie Nordeus. I live in Foche Gran Gwan. I am planning to graduate this year. There are 5 boys and 5 girls in my family. My mother sells breadfruit, bread and pistachio. She also gardens to help meet our needs. My father and mother are alive but I do not live with them during the week. I live with a friend who is closer to school. Every week I go to my friends apartment and on Friday I go back home after class. I have gone through a lot of trials but God gives me determination to overcome all of them. I look forward to finishing my studies and taking advantage of opportunities that the sponsors made possible. I am motivated by all the sponsors who have helped me since I was a child.
There are a lot of things I am keen on about my school. For example:
The sponsors who invested in me with their love, alleviated my parents concern.
The clinic that is always available to me. The medical staff takes good care of me and because of that, I am much more healthy. I don’t catch as many diseases because of prevention and education.
The food is also a great help to me. I am often hungry in the midday but the food helps me to persevere through the day. I have lots of other friends from school who spark my life. I love the sports championships. The new school bus has been amazing. It was so difficult for me to get to school because of the distance. I used to be anxious about how I would get there. Now I can be confident that I will have transportation.
The trade school is also a good thing for me while I am still at school. I strongly believe it was God who put that in the heart of the leaders.
Math is my favorite subject at school because I am a big fan of numbers. I like it because I am excellent at it. After school I would like to teach mathematics and be an engineer. I want to teach children and share my knowledge.
What makes me smile is when I am with my classmates and I am feeling good. I am happy being with them, eating, sitting on the bus, and solving math problems.
What makes me sad is when I am on holiday because I can not see my classmates, when I am ravenously hungry, and when I get so sick.
I am working right now to prepare for my last test at school. I am not ready yet or feeling 100% confident, because it is a very hard test. When the time comes, I will be prepared thanks to God. My favorite foods are manioc, breadfruit, bananas, potato, and fried fish. I eat everything but those are my favorites.
My favorite activity is walking with the other students, playing soccer and going to church.